Onion Skin Binding

Benjamin Elbel runs Elbel Libro bookbinding, a London-based business offering bookbinding services, stationery products and products for bookbinders. Benjamin is a busy bookbinding instructor in the UK, Europe (also Holland at Boekbinderij Wilgenkamp) and the USA. Some subjects are also available as online workshops and printed tutorials.

One of the only people who practices and teaches 'onionskin binding'. He had this to say about the binding technique:

"The onion skin binding was born from playing with the idea of guards in photograph albums. I have always found these intriguing and to be a potential design feature. By trying to merge separate guards into a single, continuous one, I ended up with this special pattern. I then adapted it for single section binding (image), and I am currently developing a multi-section variation."

Below is a video of quick look through his book which is a tutorial on how you can create your own onion skin binding: