
Jenni Bick has paired with Paper-Oh and we couldn't be happier! Check out all the awesome styles here at

The My Pen Needs Ink blog did a thorough and fantastic review about the notebooks (which you can read in it's entirety here).

Here are a few great points from the review: 

  • Paper-Oh has put as much thought in the paper as they have the aesthetics. They market an 80 GSM and a 100 GSM weight.
  • Paper-Oh paper starts with 100% sustainable growth product.
  • Their cream colored paper has no added coatings and is run through the press a second time to give a smoother finish.
  • The most important criteria for me, after paper quality, for a daily notebook is how well it lays flat when I’m thinking and composing in my head. Paper-Oh does a good job there. 

Lines and grids are printed in a nice bluetone and consistent coverage across the whole page.

  • Performance with gels, ballpoints and rollerballs is perfect. Fountain Pens fare very well.
  • A bookmark is included with some of the notebooks and its use can be customized for the user’s taste. 

Here is a detailed look at these awesome new notebooks:






Yuko Ori